Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Press Release: National Hunting & Fishing Day

According to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department Press Release on September 20, National Hunting and Fishing day was September 25. They state, "Most Wyomingites realize the values of hunting and fishing to family and tradition, but few people understand the conservation and economic benefits Wyoming sportsmen and women contribute to our wildlife heritage." Passed by Congress in 1942, National Hunting and Fishing Day celebrates the efforts of sportsmen and the history of wildlife conservation and management in North America. President Franklin D. Roosevelt contributed greatly to this cause. He passed "the first laws restricting commercial slaughter of wildlife and transportation of wildlife and created 51 wildlife refuges and 5 new national parks." He also "signed the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, which places a federal tax on the sale of hunting and fishing equipment. The money is then returned to the states to be used for wildlife and habitat enhancement projects." "Hunters and anglers annually contribute $76 billion to the American economy through taxes on hunting and fishing equipment, more than the annual revenues of Microsoft, Google, Ebay, and Yahoo combined. In Wyoming alone, the 113,000 active sportsmen spend $676 million a year on hunting and fishing, 89 percent of Wyoming's cash receipts for cattle. Contributions from sportsmen directly support 9,500 Wyoming jobs and pump $1.8 million into the state's economy daily."

I found this Press Release intriguing because it relates directly to my topic of encouraging fishing in Wyoming to contribute to our economy. The stats that they provided to support the fact that hunters and anglers greatly contribute the Wyoming economy. I was unaware of the acts that Roosevelt had put into effect during his presidency that have influenced wildlife management and conservation. If you would like to read the entire press release, please go to

P.S. The picture is of Crater Lake, that I just took this past Friday, after a 2.5 mile hike down to the lake. For a grand total of 5 miles round trip, to only get two bites, and not land a single fish. It was still gorgeous up there! Any day at the lake is better than a day in the office.

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