Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What economic effects would improved trout fishing have within the state of Wyoming?

As I had mentioned previously, I thought it would benefit the economy of the state to promote their fishing. Well improving trout fishing instead of increasing demand for fishing is another aspect that could be looked into. There is an article in the Journal of Fisheries Management called "Estimating the Economic Value of Improved Trout Fishing on Wyoming Streams". Four different faculty members from the University of Wyoming, three from the Dept of Agriculture and Applied Science and one from the Dept of Renewable Resources collaborated to write the article back in 1995. I was unable to get a hold of the full article because the University Library didn't have it on hand, so I have requested and with further evaluate it later. As for now, based on the abstract it appears that a survey was given and was analyzed on two different levels. One was the preferences of anglers that fish the waters within Wyoming, the other was comparing resident fishers to tourists. Evidently anglers who bought out-of-state licenses spent more more days per trip fishing, as well has had higher incomes than those that bought in-state licenses. This seems logical to me. If you would like to read the abstract please visit :
They go into more detail about the dollar amounts per day of changing certain aspects of increased trout populations for residents and tourist anglers. This didn't make much sense to me yet since I have been unable to read the full article yet! You will all get a full review once I do though! I'm curious to see if the amounts have changed much since 1995 when they submitted the article to now in 2010. I will update y'all with what I find out.
On a side note I discovered an awesome picture of a fly fisherman on the Snake River. Check it out!

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